Sunday, February 25, 2007

Minor Annoyance of the Night

Last night, I was being like really bored, and then I remembered a conversation I had with Ronnica, about how she really wanted to hear all those string quartet tributes to different bands. So I go on Amazon, and omg there are so many! And they're so fun to! I was listening to a Dashboard one, and it like makes you appreciate the music more. It's can here all the parts a lot better, but eventually you miss having the lyrics there. I also saw one for My Chemical Romance, and that was just plain cool too. So, by now I'm on itunes, because theres more samples on there. Then, I see some girls comment one an album. "I really liked it, and I pity those do not, because they are too unintelligent to appreciate classical music." Really, wtf is that. What is about classical music, that you have to be smart to appreciate. And even if there is something in it, that's only with music from forever ago. Listening to a quartet play Fall Out Boy is not called listening to classical music. That's contemporary. Shows what she knows. Anyway I got to thinking, why would a society associate classical music with intelligence. I really see no connection. Music is music, there are different kinds, there really are no better or worse. There are preferences. There is popularity. There is generic, there is normal, there is loud, there is soft. But it's all the same stuff. If someone listens to a different kind, really what difference does it make. Now, a partially off-topic point. Thinking about all this stuff kept me up forever last night, but I remembered something that happened in like 7th grade. I saw these two black kids fighting, one of like "What ya gonna do?!? You light-skinded bitch!". I'm like standing here awestruck. Now not only do you have to be black, for black people to like you, but you have to be a certain shade. That is absurd. It made me so extremely mad that day...and that's something else that contributed to my growing dislike of "my people". Anyway ya, idk. The world is weird...



wow. i think music is ur passion. for something to be ur passion, u don't need to love it all the time, passion is all feelings of strength, so.. ya.. but, hey idk..

Colfaxdruggie said...

Ya, idk I guess maybe it is. Like, when people don't take it seirously, or just dont care, i get really mad at them...and like ya, idk.